The 15 tracks in the album are essentially one piece of music, composed of thirteen moves, one song and a reprise. They are all based on the same melody of the song, ‘I know I am’ for my meditation teacher and performed live for her in 1997. The album was produced to honour and celebrate this special experience.
The album was created to be listened from start to finish at one time. It was designed to create a specific electromagnetic sound signature for raising the inner state of your being and/or the vibratory atmosphere of your surroundings. It is planned to use the 15 tracks of music for a special contemporary ballet production that is currently being developed.
Essence of the Music
The more you dive into the music and dance with its rhythm, the more the music will invite you into its moments of simple serenity and the fullness of its power.
The album was created over many years under the specific direction and "blueprint" provided by the music deva of Soft Diamond Light. The tracks were orchestrated from the instrument recording sessions by many musicians over many years, all based on the music of the song, "I Know I Am".
The music creates a powerful inner "Thought Form" uner the direction of the music deva of Soft Diamond Light based on the melody of the song, "I Know I Am".
The album. "Only love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light" was produced using a very unique and intuitive production process over a number of years.
All the instrumental recording sessions were played to the one melody of the song. The original instrumental recording sessions by each of the musicians where so stand alone that they really had no idea what the finished CD was going to be. (In fact, none of us did!) All of the musicians thought they were primarily playing backing pieces to the song.
The actual shape of the CD and the individual tracks only emerged after a very long time in the editing and mixing process. This occurred as we slowly brought together all the individual musical takes into what became the final overall piece of music based on the song. There were also some new tracks created in the editing process to produce the final CD.
The music, originating from a large number of independent, individual instrumental tracks, recorded by different musicians over a number of months, slowly came together to reveal one coherent overall piece of music. It ended up as thirteen ‘moves’, a song and a reprise, coming together as one piece of music based on the one melody of the song while still maintaining their individual 'note' in the overall CD as fifteen unique and distinctive tracks.
First Live Performance (25 March 1997)
The overall production of the music took a journey of fourteen years to prepare and complete. Most of this time was spent on the inner preparation and energy generated from the song, first written back in 1993. It was first performed for my spiritual teacher in a private darshan on 25th March 1997 and then requested by her to have it performed again, in front of hundreds in a ashram on my birthday, 1st April 1997.
“I have started to listen to the music on my iPod. Ever since I’ve been listening to it I have been meditating with it. It makes me very relaxed and calm. I really like doing it.”
“I am a classically trained musician (piano)
and your music inspired me right off the bat.
So light…so full of delightful energy... beautiful
settings and improvisations by all the musicians.”
Jean Gressang, Musician
“Listening to the musical pieces shifted
me to another place.”
The image was received during a meditation session - I saw a diamond emerge from a lotus flower and radiated with a scintillating explosion of light. This vision was accompanied by an extraordinary experience of expansiveness that held the essence and power of this inner meditation experience.
Mandy Geddes, Training Manager,
Institute of Executive Coaching
“It’s absolutely beautiful!”
Leon Nacson, International Bestselling Author
“Soft Diamond Light has a presence about it and shines with a special luminosity.”
Petrea King, Founder & CEO, Quest for Life Foundation
“Soft Diamond Light positively glitters with light and wisdom and compassion. It’s one of the most beautiful book incarnations imaginable. A very special book, just reading it is like meditation, the book is utterly fascinating and makes for a compelling read.”Margaret Gee, Author
Each of the experimental mixes (Movements 1 to 5) below were produced & mixed by Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky. They were never released and were all based on track 13 ('Move 13 Silence is the source of sound') from the album. "Only love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light".
All the tracks in this album were, in turn, all based on the melody of the song, "I know I Am" in the album. The album was produced using a very unique and intuitive production process over a number of years.
In esoteric tradition and understanding, every seed in nature creates a "unique note" when it germinates! This "etheric note" is its specific sound signature that embodies what it can and does become.
This intelligence within nature creates a glorious symphony of inner sound forming the source of all manifestation. There is a body of ancient teaching and wisdom called Mantrika or Matrika Shakti. The force or power of letters, speech, or music. It is the creative power inherent in sound -- every sound being a vibration, and everyvibration having its own numerical keynote
Consider that every creative act, especially your business, is manifested via the use of sound -- selling/ marketing/ PR/ Planning is all about this! Essentially, speech gives form and expression to emotion: an idea animated with an direction!
But the inner truth is far more profound and powerful in its implications and applications!